Bill Bernbach Aug -1911 til Oct-1982
Bill Bernbach was a icon in his time period. He had very innovative ad's that were quite
creative and racy. Bill was the type of guy that made you think. He was a legend in the
advertising forefront. His ad's were Ivy League and wasp catered to a certain clientele. Bill
was a force behind a lot of popular ad's coffee and cereal to name a few. Bill won companies
top honor's and a lot of awards for his crafty wit. Bill was a Jewish immigrant making his way without any college back ground and he really changed advertising for ever. Bill really opened
the advertising world with his believable ad's to really make you want to buy the product. People
trusted his worked and there is no other like him in the advertising world. Times have changed and people have different creative thinking now a days. Advertisement now is really edgy and can be
quite controversial.
the advertising world with his believable ad's to really make you want to buy the product. People
trusted his worked and there is no other like him in the advertising world. Times have changed and people have different creative thinking now a days. Advertisement now is really edgy and can be
quite controversial.
Creative Thinking.
"They'll think I'm foolish," or "That will never work." But we can learn to recognize this voice or judgment and have the courage to discount its destructive advice.
Brainstorming allows a group of people to contribute ideas on a topic without regard to how practical they may be. The purpose is to come with an "outside the box" solution that might not occur otherwise. While many of the ideas generated may not be feasible, it is possible that by removing practical constraints, an idea will surface that you can mold into a workable solution. Another advantage is that you'll receive input from several people instead of just one or two individuals.
• Ask "what if" questions and encourage speculative thinking.
• Accept risk and a certain amount of failure. I believe it was Edison who said "to have one good idea, have a lot of them."
Creativity is moving from the known to the unknown. Culture exerts a negative force on creativity according to Pearce (1974), however, “were it not for creativity, culture itself would not be created.”
• Ask "what if" questions and encourage speculative thinking.
• Accept risk and a certain amount of failure. I believe it was Edison who said "to have one good idea, have a lot of them."
Creativity is moving from the known to the unknown. Culture exerts a negative force on creativity according to Pearce (1974), however, “were it not for creativity, culture itself would not be created.”
The evolutionary method of creativity also reminds us of that critical principle: Every problem that has been solved can be solved again in a better way. Creative thinkers do not subscribe to the idea that once a problem has been solved, it can be forgotten, or to the notion that "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." A creative thinker's philosophy is that "there is no such thing as an insignificant improvement
Creative Thinking: Thinking outside the box. Using all your inner thought's and feeling's. Creativity
is opening up your mind. Living on the edge as far as thinking. I work my creative energy all the time.
is opening up your mind. Living on the edge as far as thinking. I work my creative energy all the time.
Smoking Gun Ads
This ad is screaming come on try one Dr. Smith smokes and he is still around. You to can also smoke and look this good Camel is the brand for this man. Who is he? Is he a doctor? Why this man?
Back then these ads were catered to American wasp Ivy league business men who had good jobs and were suit and tie guy's. In the 1950's and 1960's the consumer believed that pigs could fly. So why not put
doctor look alike on a smoking ad. Get people's attention get them to buy these Camel cigarettes.
Today ad's are racy, edgy, and still grab your attention half naked people on the beach in the water
wearing the latest perfume or cologne this to could be you if you use this. Advertisement Ad's they
want the consumer happy. And want them to look good at doing what ever they do with there products.
Advertising is a big business they can make people buy a product Immediately or get them to go
Back and take a look at the item. There memory can jump start by an ad they seen in the store or the mall. Advertising ad's get me to think of the product ,Look up info then go back and purchase the item
Advertising ad's work for me in the positive way. I always wanted to be in advertising and have a career
In it. Maybe that's my next calling to work at an ad agency.
Furthermore advertising could be a jingle that we wont forget and keep singing it and thinking about
it and then go purchase the item, or product and or beverage because on a catchy tune that you heard.
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