Wednesday, February 8, 2017

EOC Week 1: Voice


 My Name is Cozie Harris I’m a Fashion/Marketing major and I’m obtaining a Bachelor’s
Degree in Fashion. I’m currently working at a Drug Rehab center and seeking to get a job
In my profession. I currently a full time student and work full time. I have several different
Hobbies cooking gourmet meals, making basket’s and candy. I see myself owning a small
Storefront business and really doing something as far as being a self-employed person in the
years to come. I like to exercise hike, ride bikes, and do yoga. I have no children not married
and would like to travel in the years to come. The most interesting place I would like to travel to
is Egypt, France, and Greece. Spain is in the forecast also. I plan on really getting my name out
there and do some designing or other Entrepreneur event’s. A friend of mind ask me if I wanted
to embark on a food truck business and I could also see a future in that also. I have worked many  
jobs and I would love a career in doing something I actually like doing.

   This year is the year that I will become a very creative person and work on really become more
Creative in my endeavors as a Fashion student. I wanted to go to a big city and really get a feel
For what I wanted to do. I like to keep up with the latest trends, and Fashion event’s. My school
Is preparing me for this type of adventure. I would love to move to California and pursue my
Fashion career in my later year’s. So I will continue to try and get my Master’s Degree and see
Where that will take me.
  I’m very social and friendly and have a big decorative flair so I like to decorate also and create   
and make thing’s. When I was a young girl I made thing’s and sold thing’s and it took me all the
way to a prestigious college where everyone is working on the same interest. All the classes that
I have taken will prepare me for a Great job in the Fashion Industry. If I work hard and stay
Focused I can do whatever I want to do.  So as a Fashion Student I will stay focused and prepare
Myself for the final step’s in graduating from my school. I have met some interesting people and
I’m very happy that I have a chance to display my talent’s as a fashion student. I would really like
to work behind the scene's. Either in play production, fashion show's, or a buyer for a small company.
   As a fashion student I would like to go to more fashion textile company's and supplier's to get a
feel of the Fashion industry.

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